A Vieste up from the sea to the mountain is very short, and while you enjoy the marine atmosphere, you can arrange excursions in Foresta Umbra, the green heart and full of life of the Gargano National Park. The best time to visit is between spring and summer, when the vegetation explodes in its colors, giving to those who observe the strongest emotions.
Extended well to 10,426 hectares, the Foresta Umbra reaches 830 meters above sea level and is one of the richest Italian forests of flora and fauna. Deciduous and beech woods millennial, various types of orchids, anemones, violets and cyclamen cohabit thanks to a microclimate exceptional. While deer, wild cats, badgers, martens, woodpeckers, hawks and sparrows animate the forest of their presence, discreet or lively according to the seasons and the character of individual species.
Mysterious and fascinating, with its immense and dense arboreal cathedrals, the Forest Umbra allows all exploration, thanks to the 15 trails made by the State Forestry Corps, with signs and is walkable. Along the way, deviations thanks to use more sports go to the spectacular examples of karst phenomena that characterize the geology of this area.
At the Museum of Natural attached to the Visitor Centre it is also possible to rent a mountain bike.
And there are many educational activities dedicated to children and teenagers.
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